Ko Maungahaumi te maunga
Ko Waipaoa te awa
Ko Mangatu te marae
Ko Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki te iwi
Ko Ngāriki Kaiputahi te hapū
I understand the impact that pain and dysfunction have and how this interferes with us being able to enjoy life. My goal is to return you back to the things you enjoy. I am passionate about delivering culturally responsive healthcare for whānau in our takiwā, with a special interest in treating Māmā and Pēpi, encouraging both towards health and well-being.
I also have an interest in being part of the healthcare team for Breast Cancer patients. Using gentle hands-on techniques I treat Breast Cancer patients' symptoms and side effects experienced throughout their treatment journey. Specifically scar tissue, adhesions, swelling, and global musculoskeletal aches, pains, and tightness. With compassion and support, women can not only heal physically but can begin to move forward from this very challenging time.
I, like so many have experienced low back and pelvic pain. Consequently, I sought osteopathic treatment and I have never looked back. The overall decrease in pain, and increase in quality of life, and well-being was immeasurable. The holistic nature of osteopathic treatment and my experience was the catalyst for my journey into study and I graduated as an Osteopath here in Ōtautahi.
Olivia is available at Wairakei Osteopathy on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
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